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Did You Get the Right One?

One guy to another: Did you know that the shortest sentence in the English language is
“I am.”
Really. What’s the longest sentence?
“I do.”

As we know, underlay should be laid before installing the floating floors. Some customers are confused about what kind of underlay is suitable for their DIY flooring job. There are various combination underlay which are designed for different purposes. Our experienced floor installation team member, Sergio, will show you how to choose.

Sergio has been a floor installer over 10 years, he introduced, normally speaking, 2mm-3mm thick foil-based underlay is the standard product which comes with foil or a plastic film. This underlay is low in price and is recommended when installing both laminate flooring and bamboo flooring in house, villa, townhouse and ground-floor of a high-rising etc. It provides balance for the floor boards and functions as a moisture barrier.

In some extreme circumstances, he added, i.e. when sub-floor is old cypress timber in bad conditions, it is essential to lay a moisture barrier which is a 200um polythene roll(also called ‘builders’ film’) on ground before laying the underlay, and the sheets’ joining area should have a 20cm over-laid part for 100% anti-moisture effect.

Sergio and his team are keen on moisture protection when install timber floor and have a good track record of zero moisture-related floor damage customer complain.

“There is another kind of soundproof underlay*, it costs you more, and normally used in upper level of apartment/unit. It reduces the disturbance for your downstairs’ neighbour. This kind of underlay can also be with a plastic film for better moisture protection. A 2mm thick green colour underlay is a standard acoustic one widely used in Australia.

“This one is a MUST for both laminate flooring and bamboo flooring installation jobs in high rise. It made to OZ standard, and meets majority strata’s requirement,” Sergio continued, ” I’ve heard some customers, even few traders, didn’t use this catalogue of underlay for high rise’s jobs, just wanted to save some money, and ended up with pulled up all their floor boards and re-installed them, which required by their strata.” He asked, “Mate, can you afford to do that?”

*Building Code Australia(BCA) rating requirement: 62 or less.

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